The Alberta Camping Association develops and maintains standards for organized camping in Alberta. It is through the Standards and Accreditation program that we help the general public identify safe, healthy, well-run camps.
The ACA Standards Manual covers all aspects of camp operations ranging from sound financial practices to ensuring safety in various program activities to recommended environmental standards. The manual is continually revised and updated to meet the dynamic camping environment of today.
- Specific sections covered include:
- Camp Administration
- Human Resources
- Site, Facility & Equipment
- Transportation
- Year-round Camping
- Camp Health Care, Medical & First Aid
- Camp Programs/Land Based
- Camp Programs/Water Based
- Adventure Based Programs

It is your guarantee that the camp meets or exceeds all mandatory standards, and is maintaining best practices for organized camping in Alberta.


Register and pay your membership on our website to become an ACA member. Your camp will be considered “conditionally accepted” allowing you to access resources and participate in our community while you gather accreditation documentation.

The ACA will reach out to plan a site visit. At the visit, the ACA representative will cover the items listed in the Accreditation Manual and determine if your camp has completed the minimum requirements to become ACA Accredited.

The ACA Board of Directors will review your status and if your camp has met the requirements, you will become an Accredited Member of the ACA. You will be able to use the “Accredited Camp” logo on your promotional materials and you will be listed as an Accredited Camp on our Find a Camp page.
The ACA Standards Manual covers all aspects of camp operations ranging from sound financial practices to ensuring safety in various program activities to recommended environmental standards. The manual is continually revised and updated to meet the dynamic camping environment of today.
The following links detail the standards that our member camps follow in order to be accredited camp members of the Alberta Camping Association. These documents can be downloaded free by anyone.