The Alberta Camping Association is a not-for-profit organization and a community of camp professionals, seasonal employees, volunteers, and supporters of organized summer and youth camps. We are committed to the highest standards of quality and safety, offering a Standards & Accreditation program, education and resources for member camp programs and facilities in Alberta. Businesses that offer goods and services to camps and campers form our Commercial Members!
Enriching the lives of all Albertans through high quality, safe, inclusive and fun camp experiences.

The Alberta Camping Association facilitates networking and professional development, advocates for the camping industry, communicates the value of camp and mandates high standards of quality and safety through accreditation.
The Alberta Camping Association is guided in its mission and vision by 5 core values:
The Alberta Camping Association must be sustainable in its existence, level of support for camps, brand recognition, environmentally and in its actions. Actions in line with this value create long term success and ensure the Alberta Camping Association is able to keep supporting summer and youth camps into the future.
The Alberta Camping Association is a professional association. We must create a safe, positive and productive environment from our community to succeed.
The Alberta Camping Association must provide high quality programs and experiences to our members and to the general public. We are committed to supporting the provision of high quality camp experiences across Alberta. Sustainable high quality experiences is the key to maintaining community and creating impact.
The Alberta Camping Association must be impactful for our members and for the general public. Impact is a core part of value and needs to be sustainable to ensure value to our members and stakeholders. Without impactful experiences, we would not be able serve our community appropriately.
The Alberta Camping Association must embody the spirit of continuous improvement to benefit members and our community. Growth cannot be achieved without an engaged community, quality programs, and impactful experiences. Sustainable growth is the key to supporting our community and benefitting summer and youth camps across Alberta.

The Alberta Camping Association is the accreditation body for summer and youth camps in Alberta. We are committed to supporting camps provide high quality, safe, fun and inclusive experiences to all. Our standards ensure camps and parents understand what makes a high quality camp. Our accreditation program ensures that camps are following the standards and providing high quality, safe, fun and inclusive experiences.
As a professional association the Alberta Camping Association is dedicated to continuous improvement. We provide members with resources to support the growth of their organisations and bring together our community to provide professional development experiences.
The Alberta Camping Association brings together summer and youth camps from across Alberta to work as a community. With opportunities to problem solve collaboratively and learn from each other, we can build forward towards even better camp experiences for all.