God has placed a calling in our hearts to be the hands and feet of Jesus to many young people. Each year we see a wide variety of youth coming from every walk of life attending our summer camps. In a culture where children are often viewed as an inconvenience, we believe in showing kids that they are special and loved. Our ultimate goal is to provide an environment where people can encounter God and experience the life-changing affection of His loving embrace.
At Salem Acres, we have been blessed with a beautiful natural setting that allows us to step away from our daily distractions and anxieties. It’s an opportunity to connect not only with God but also peers who are experiencing the same joys and struggles; and spiritual mentors who are eager to engage with them and invest in lives.
We see the need to continue pouring into young people every chance we get. They are entering a time in their lives where they are questioning the legitimacy of everything—which is a good habit—but the voice of God is often not taken into consideration. We believe we have a special environment that provides a place for people to be still and know God—to learn to listen for Him and receive encouragement.