The Value of Camp

Children need nature; now more than ever. Our modern way of living has slowly disconnected kids from outside play and research is showing the very negative impacts that is having. According to Outdoor Play Canada outside free play is essential for healthy child development, with positive impacts on social skills, imagination, executive function, problem-solving ability,…

Look for the Logo!

Alberta families are looking forward to a summer of outdoor fun. After two years of closed or limited programming due to the pandemic, Alberta summer camps are reopening. The Alberta Camping Association (ACA) works with camps to ensure they offer high quality programming while maintaining safety standards. “Everyone we’ve talked to is excited to go…

Preparing for Camp

Preparing for camp at home will help prevent homesickness and ensure a successful summer camp experience. Here are some tips for preparing your child for camp: Involve the child in the process of selecting the camp. This will help them feel like it was their choice to be there. Pre-load the camp experience. Tell your…